Gardening · Shopping Finds

Garden Sheds & Planting Time!

When we lived in the old house my gardening tools were spread out across a wide area: some were in the garage, on the covered back porch or in the play house that was turned into a yard shed. It wasn’t very smooth for finding what I needed, but it worked. Then I realized within a day or two of moving here that I had NO storage at all. None. Ouch. No where to put my tools. They were stashed in plastic bins, but that isn’t efficient. I went looking for ideas and was blanching over the insane prices for “garden wall storage sheds”. $150? Or more? Oh, I don’t think so! That much for basically a stand up closet! So I started poking around and found a better solution – for a lot less. The, Sterilite 4-Shelf Utility Cabinet with Putty Handles, Platinum, for under $77, was my choice. I even ordered it off Amazon so I wouldn’t have to load it up in my van and bring it home 😉 Hah! The UPS man so far has not been charmed by our habit of Amazon ordering…..


It was easy to put together, and unlike the overpriced “garden” ones, it came with shelves. You don’t have to use the shelves either, and they are easily adjustable. I couldn’t believe it when I looked at the Rubbermaid version of this and you had to provide the wood to make shelves – and it already was twice as much in cost!

In action, all loaded up. Due to it being lightweight, I put a bag of potting soil in the bottom to weight it. When I have time in the next few weeks I am going to screw it through the back, into the fence. It is amazing how much I can fit into it! Pots, tools, sprinkler, gloves, knee pads and more.


And speaking of the garden, I keep working on it! Even after this photo was taken, I did so much more (most of those potted herbs are in the ground now).


And even this photo isn’t up to date! I added more garden decor after I planted the herbs and strawberries 😉


Dusk falling last night. Very hard to go inside and stop for the night!


And in the farthest corner of the yard, there was a sad corner, with an even sadder tree – I had Ford pull it out. I replaced it with a blueberry bush and two new rhubarb plants. It still looks a bit sad, but give it a year or so and it will be a cheerful corner!


I might not be getting much cooking or baking done lately, but I will have a wonderful yard soon!

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