cooking · Lunch · Raw

Two Nearly Raw Recipes – Green Cake & Coconut Almond Butter

Two recipes I worked on this week during the nasty heat wave we are having (I get whiny when it goes over 85°, when it hits 95°….well I just sit and stare at the wall!). It isn’t often that my coconut oil is completely clear 😉 I’ll be honest….while summer living is easy, summer heat is something I am not a fan of. September, how I love you! Sweater weather I always look forward to!

First up was a nearly raw cake I made. I say nearly raw because the pistachios are roasted. I don’t think I have seen raw ones? Anyhow, feel free to use what you like….just make sure the shells are not dyed. Thankfully that practice is going away!

Green Cake


  • 1 cup pistachios, shelled
  • 1 Tbsp extra virgin organic coconut oil
  • 1 Tbsp raw honey, preferably locally sourced
  • ½ tsp pure vanilla extract
  • ¼ tsp fine sea salt (if your nuts are salted, taste before adding)


Add the pistachios to a food processor, run on high until finely diced. Add in everything else, process until mixed.

Line a small pan with plastic wrap, add in the mix, fold over some of the plastic and press down firmly to pack. It can also be made into bars. I happen to be fond of my Wilton Mini Cake Pans 4×1.2 that I mold them into.

Chill till set. Keep wrapped and refrigerated until time to take with you.

Note –

Coconut oil stays stable at about 70 and lower, it softens in warmer temps. The cake is delicious out of the fridge.

This was my answer to wanting a “stable” almond butter. But without the cheap palm oil added in. Now granted, it won’t be stable above say 70°, but it stores in the fridge easily enough. It also has great flavor!

Coconut Almond Butter


  • 1 cup raw almond butter, creamy or chunky
  • ¼ cup extra virgin raw coconut oil, liquid form (see below)
  • 2 Tbsp raw honey, locally sourced
  • ¼ tsp fine sea salt, or to taste


In warm temps (above 70°) the coconut oil will be liquid, otherwise place your sealed jar in a bowl of warm water till melted.

Mix all the ingredients together, either by hand or in a food processer. Pour into a container and cover. If your house is under 70° store in the cupboard, otherwise store in the refrigerator, it softens quickly when needed.

PS: It is great added cold to a morning bowl of oatmeal, right before serving. It melts in.


7 thoughts on “Two Nearly Raw Recipes – Green Cake & Coconut Almond Butter

  1. Pistachios are an absolute fave and I’ve been trying to think about incorporating them more into cooking instead of just shoving them into my mouth by the fistful. 😉 And I hear you about the temps – yeah, it’s been hotter here for the most part, but whatever. Hot is hot and it’s all in what you’re used to. I’ve had it with summer. I just want it to stay warm long enough for my tomatoes to ripen. After that, I’m ready for layers.

  2. There are raw pistachios and they’re delicious! I get mine in the bulk food section of the natural grocery store.

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